Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sufjan Season

I don't want to be too quick to say it's springtime here. I mean, it snowed yesterday. I think it snowed on Monday too. But May? Snow? I'm afraid to put those two words in the same sentence. As long as it's pretty in a couple weeks (or even next weekend!!), I'm happy. Hmm.. it will be weird to associate autumn with May. It's coming though!

Okay. So Sufjan Stevens. I popped in the Garden State/Sufjan mix that I made from Janna's playlist a few years ago. It continues to be the best driving music there is. Hands down (haha.. Dashboard sneaks in suddenly, but no. I stick to my guns!). Seriously:

Casimir Pulaski Day.
Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois.
The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is Out to Get Us!

Yes, I have a predilection to a specific selection of his songs. Perhaps because I really like Chi-town. As I was thinking about it today I also realized first hearing about him.

"There's this song, called John Wayne Gacy, Jr.," Tim told me.

We were lying on the tile floor. Knees bent. Almost like we were about to do sit ups in any moment. Tim was the kind of guy that would have done them, to show off. But we were just waiting to be set free.

It was during a game of Capture the Flag in Tech. I played all but two of the quarters of my time at Northwestern. Both of us had gotten caught, and since the jail was in a secluded and easily protected location (I want to say A wing on the first floor), there was little chance of us continuing the game. So we sat and talked loudly because we didn't care. And he introduced me to new music; I'm sure he's still listening to different music.

I later read a short synopsis on John Wayne Gacy, Jr. Disturbing story. It is matched by disturbing, but convicting lyrics by Stevens. I've used the song for a sermon in reference to our sinfulness before, and in general love all of the none-so-subtle messages in Stevens' songs.

Thus, it is Sufjan time. Add an amazing sunset over the Rockies, and I could drive forever.


David Rojas said...

I REALLY love that song... it's so chilling and sobering how convicting the lyrics are.

Unknown said...

amen brother!

"and in my best behavior
i am really just like him..
look beneath the floorboards
for the secrets i have hid.."
