Thursday, May 13, 2010

I am blind

There's this great song by a local artist. The lyrics go:
I am blind
I am blind,
to Your sunshine..

What's funny is I really don't remember the rest of the lyrics. But these are enough. When I went for my run this morning I just kept singing them in my head thinking, 'God, open my eyes.'

When I came back from the run I realized I had run the full 10k. I'm ready. It's weird. It's too early, right?

Then I came inside and Noah was making a lunch for me. He joked saying, "It's intern appreciation day!" But really he was just doing it out of the kindness in his heart. He made me a bagel with cheese and tuna, a side of cottage cheese, and some vanilla chai. How much I felt brotherly love in that moment!

Entonces, I went to work and checked my mail. The letter I had written to myself a few months ago came in. Before I could open the letter though, I had written Luke 5:1-11 on the envelope flap. So I read.

I remembered how much I am a sinner before Christ, and yet He has forgiven and chosen me. I took a deep breath as I then read the contents of the letter:

Remember God is in control. Remember it's okay to cry. Remember that the God of the universe created you for such a time as this. Whether you're in Argentina in 3 months or whether you're staying Colorado--He knows what He's doing with you. You are no accident, and every detail of your being has purpose. He takes pleasure in you; He delights and sings over you. You are His precious daughter.

You've never had to remind yourself of these things before, but as you write you are hoping it's because the Holy Spirit is moving you. At the same time you recognize that even if these words do not elicit an emotional response, at least these words are true. HOLD ON TO TRUTH. Love, Sharayah.

On the reverse it said: "Where in the world are you going? May the answer always be that you are headed straight for Jesus!"

Praise God for opening my eyes!

1 comment:

Marla said...

Nice letter to self. And what a great little "bro" you have there! He sounds like a true sweetheart.