Karl had always said, "Try to get as much feedback as possible on your performances." He was referring to presentations, often in a work environment.
Feedback, however, is very difficult to give and receive. On the giving side, there is the fear of being too critical, and shutting someone down. I have every desire to be humble about the words I say about someone's performance, although it doesn't always come across that way. I fear I will say something badly, or maybe my timing is off. I dunno. And on the receiving end, it is naturally so hard to take criticism. There is fear of judgment, of not being good enough..
My first reaction is that criticism is supposed to be given out of love. If that's true, then fear should be stilled. And while the feelings of inadequacy may remain, the hope is to understand that no matter what happens, both persons involved will continue to be loved.
All this to say, I spent five 30 min increments with my Fusion student leaders today, giving them feedback on their leadership qualities.
I learned so much. First and foremost, the value of communication. I had mentioned some of the things that I had seen during the all-nighter that I wanted to be different/better, and we got to have lots of conversations about all of those things. It was neat to brainstorm some ideas for upcoming Fusions as well.
In these meeting times, I realized more clearly what these students were dealing with in life. I kept seeing their craving to grow spiritually, and yet the constant pulling down on them by the world or personal struggles. My desire for them increased from helping them grow as leaders, to also caring for them better as my brothers and sisters. Younger brothers and sisters, that is ;). Oh how much better I could be at praying for them, and encouraging them!!
As I talked with another staff member (very generally) post the meetings, we talked about the value of communication. Even if it's painful at times, you at least know where the other is coming from, and sometimes that makes all the difference. I was completely grateful for these meetings, and I never realized how fast 2 and a half hours could go! Way cool.
Speaking of cool, I was reading 1 John yesterday, and I think this verse applies--concerning the issue of love being at the root of the feedback:
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
We must remember that the conversation can not end here. We recognize that people are constantly in flux, because God has never intended us to be the same. We need to keep asking of each other, and setting standards higher for growth. It's weird to look back and see how Jesus had at one point called Simon Peter Satan, but it was a criticism that helped Peter to grow in his leadership. We know that Jesus is more concerned with discipline than punishment with those who chase after Him. May that encourage you too.
P.S. Feedback is welcome for this too.
P.S. Feedback is welcome for this too.
P.P.S. Stay tuned for (a few) pictures from High Point's hoedown!
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