Friday, June 25, 2010

Adventures in baby sittin'

I realized that Nolan loves to be taken for a walk. Indoors, mind you, as this Texas heat would be too much for him. But just walking around the bottom floor of the Ammerman house is quite lovely (same route I take when talking with awesome people like Ariel and Sara!).

So next thing I know, Nolan is asleep. And since there were some rather important soccer games on today, I decided to stop the walk and rest on the couch. Nolan did that cute thing babies do, where they get in the fetal like position and rest on their stomachs on your chest. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Adorable.

Until about 45 minutes later when you feel something warm on your stomach. "Wake up time!" I said, as I lifted Nolan so as to stop the pee from getting all over me.

But of course, since he's my nephew, and he's only three months old now, I still have to deem the experience as cute. I do however, earn the right to tease him about this in the coming years.

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