I loved watching everyone do their part; Andy and Brenda would figure out the meal and make it, Rachel and Nathan would make the table/do the dishes, and I would fit in there somewhere too. I remember the conversations. Like when they worked so hard to get me to like soccer, and told me about the player Ronaldhino, who to me just looked like Jar Jar Binks. Minus the ears. I remember Nathan's story about going to Scotland, and almost getting jumped by a couple of guys who supported the other football team, because one of their party was wearing blue socks.
How could I forget playing roller hockey afterward? The times I fell on my face, the time I scored an "ESPN highlight" goal.. and then fell on my face..? The rigging of the U of R lights? The marking up of the tennis courts that you really shouldn't play on?
How could I forget Ukrop's rolls? (my mouth is presently watering)
I loved Monday night dinners. And it was by the Burgess's example that I knew if I ever settled, I would do something like that. I wouldn't be afraid to "make the circle bigger," as was one of the conversations Brenda and I had about a time when the dinner table was getting a little full.
In part, I'm reminded of MNDs because I have now attended two such dinners with the Nelson's in the past few weeks. I love it. I love the feel of family. The deliciousness, and free-ness ;), of the food. The conversation.
The other half, is that it goes back to the church conversation--back to that verse in Acts where they "broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts." The church doesn't have to meet within a certain building. The church has something to do with what's on the inside of us, coming together because we recognize how much God loves us. We celebrate that amongst fellow believers.
Yet, there is so much more to this word. Check here for more insight. This is what I will leave you with for now. Stay tuned!
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