We had a photo scavenger hunt tonight for Fusion, and it was absolutely hilarious. We split up into six teams and scavenged (?) Arvada for various famous logos. Some were pretty easy (ie Target as shown), while some were a bit more difficult. Most teams for instance, struggled to find the Obama symbol, although a few teams did find it. Usually in books in Target. :P p.s. say hi to Kaitlyn, Kate and Bonnie!
Also, we played mega four square, which is easily one of my favorite games.
I attempted to ride the skateboard thing where you rock back and forth. Actually, I learned you salsa dance to get it moving. Which I can do because I definitely have hips. It's the get it moving part that is scary.
Then there was this time that Bonnie started talking in an accent and I was so impressed.
Oh, and then when we tried to get an original BK crown, all they had were Jonas Brothers ones. I would only do this out of love for my junior highers.

To top off the evening, Kendra and I teamed up for a three point shootout game vs. Justin and Christian. I played this for the first time last Wednesday at High Point and lost. So I made sure to practice a little this time. Hello win column ;)
On a serious note, I was studying up on Esther this afternoon and learned some cool things about Purim. Maybe when I have a better grasp on it, I'll let you know. But mainly I mention this because I'm getting excited to see the Lion's Gate (that honors the Persian goddess Ishtar that some people believe Esther is really referring to--no worries folks, it's not true) in Frankfurt for Christmas! aww snap.
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