Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ministry Update

I have been needing to fill you in on other ministry details. So, um.. keep reading if you care to know.

I've been meeting with several students one-on-one over lunches or just general hang out times. I had lunch last week with Abby at Inta Juice, a place to give Jamba Juice a run for its money (and I would know, I used to work at a smoothie place!). We talked about what she wants to do with her life, and she said that she had this strange call toward Russia, although she couldn't explain it. Then the conversation centered on both Shane Claiborne's Irresistible Revolution and Gary Haugen's Good News About Injustice. Both recommended reads!

On Monday, I had a late lunch with Lexi, the other student leader for the small group I get to help lead (starts October 6th--please be praying!). We met at Panera and just shared our lives, and then decided to read a book together over the coming months: Brother Lawrence's Practicing the Presence of God.

Tuesday I picked up Sarah Z. and Crawford after school in order to hang out at a place called Lollicup--also a smoothie place, but I wasn't hungry.. er.. thirsty? We laughed a lot, as well as discussed some things they might like to see happen at small group. The trouble is that Crawford has dance on Tuesday nights, so that will be a bummer to not see her. Maybe we'll move it to Monday nights?? I dunno.

Last night, the gal leaders (Kendra, Raychel and Tate) all came over and we watched Hairspray. Oh, good times! Like when Tate accidentally spilled her orange juice, and then since her cup had broken, she poured the rest into the sink. Only to find out, that well, the sink she happened to use was out of commission, missing a pipe. The orange juice spilling all over the floor. We all had a good guffaw from that. I also find it so good to bond with the fellow leaders

And today, I'm hanging out with Raychel after she gets out of school. We're going to Susie's softball game! Tomorrow, I'm baking with Sophie, a senior from RV!

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