Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Run in with nature

I've been feeding the ducks at the local pond lately. Today I had a bunch of leftover hot dog buns that I, and sharing with some little ones who were playing at the park, fed to our winged friends. Little ducklings came along too, so I made sure they got some. Gotta be honest to say I got freaked out by the geese who had horns on their bills coming to get some of the bread. One of them kept squealing at me, and I think he (she?) thought it was cute. Just. Don't. Make. Eye. Contact...

The coolest part was when I got the Aflac ducks (you know, the white feathered ones?) super close to me. I notice they're more fearless. Any way, similar to the fish in Grand Cayman, they got so close, they started pecking at my toes thinking it was bread too. It didn't hurt. It tickled actually. But I also figured that was probably my sign to go, so I did.

On my runs over the past weeks, I've found a route along Morris and 3040. Last week, I looked down at one point only to see a snake! And then a little bit later to see a frog! The frog wasn't as scary to me, as I think I fall more along the lines of Indiana Jones' fear. But then the next day, I noticed the exact same two creatures still in the path, so I realized there really wasn't anything to be afraid of.

Today was a first. I took a longer route than normal and BAM!!! Spider web to the face!! It must have been spun between the trees. All I know is it made me shriek and I did what I could to get it off my face, and I brushed through my hair in hopes no spiders found a new nest! Yikes!

1 comment:

Marla said...

I've had the spider web in the face experience a couple of times. Once while on a bike and I looked down to realize the spider had landed smack in the middle of my shirt. EeeeAaaah!!!
Yesterday on a bike ride, a bug flew in my eye as we were on a steep downhill, where I needed to keep a grip on both brakes, so that was fun. Closed my eye, but tried not to close it too tight to squish him. Turned my head to try to get him blown out. By the bottom of the hill, he was just hanging on by an eyelash. EeeeeW!