Saturday, August 1, 2009

Proof there is a dog

I am currently house-sitting for a family (the father is doing the Ironman in San Francisco), and I get to take care of their dog Goldie.

It has already been a riot, as she has talked in her sleep.. er.. barked in her sleep, in such an adorable way. But it's not a loud bark, more like there's a small dog inside of her trying to get out. That sounds funny, but that's how I would describe it again. There have also been just funny moments of waiting for her to poop before I can go to work.

The point is, this morning was amazing. I definitely had a dog moment.. er.. God moment with Goldie. I don't think it's time for me to describe it in words. But for anyone who is doubting the story of Balaam's donkey, please talk to me.

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