Saturday, August 29, 2009

From June 24, 2009 (short)

After a quick review of last night's pages, I must comment... or choose to comment on forgiveness and repentance. The forgiveness we give is in hopes of the person asking for forgiveness having a repentant heart. That's a confusing sentence.

Think of yourself alone. When you say you're sorry, do you mean it? How do you feel when you mess up in the same way again?

I've thought about the addicting sins, and how people do desire to tear away from them. The person comes back over and over with a heart for change. Only God can change you. The power of the Holy Spirit is all about this.

It doesn't stop how much it hurts others though.

The one forgiving has to cling to the hope they have in Christ. They have to believe that Jesus knew what He was doing when He forgave us first. "We love..."

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