Friday, February 12, 2010


I can hardly express how much has happened this past week. I talked with my parents for just under an hour and a half today and could hardly cover everything (in fact, I had to cut the conversation short quickly due to moving on to the next thing).

I will say a few things. First, I'm loving that the Olympics are starting up tonight, and that I'm being reminded of the world all the more. We've prayed a lot for the world this week. Ooh! We also went to Centennial park in Atlanta for part of the conference.

Next, I think I will devote a future blogisode to what Matthew 9:38 now means to me. So stay tuned.

There is nothing quite like being surrounded by people who love God and want to serve the world. I'm guarding my heart to not be hyped by the feelings of those surrounding me. Instead, I'm depending on lots and lots and lots of prayer, counsel, affirmation from friends and the Word, and a few feelings (I must admit that it's really exciting when you get confirming dreams in there too!). I'm awaiting the green light to one of two (maybe three) countries for the next two years. It's supposed to come next week. Ah!!

Praise the Lord for the many stories to share from this week. Hopefully they will be stories to encourage you as well. It's just that I still have some processing to do, so you will have to wait a wee bit longer (can you tell I've been hanging out with a couple Brits?).

Peace to you. Prayers are welcome, and I would love to pray for you too, if you let me know how!


Kala said...

Praying for you friend. I need an update on your life, please. It sounds exciting. E-mail me!!! Love you :)

marty attempting to blog said...

Praying for you, loving you and hoping with you