Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Tonight was the first Fusion, or middle school hangout. All of the leaders (made up of the interns, volunteers, as well as Seniors devoting their year to serving the junior high students. One word. Awesome.), lined up about halfway through the night to introduce ourselves.

Mark had Jason and I stay to tell a little more about ourselves. I suppose it's because we have that fancy title and office-ish area.

The point is, I had asked the students what they wanted to know. General questions came up; you know, favorite color, why I have an eyebrow piercing, where I or Jason was from (to which I most definitely responded, "my mother's womb." hehe), etc.

One young man raised his hand. "Would you rather be attacked by bats or wake up in the middle of open heart surgery?"

Now that, is a question worth pondering.


dontbesassy said...

hahaha that IS a question worth pondering. open heart as long as you cant feel it?

dontbesassy said...

also equally awesome that my id is "dontbesassy" from the days of attempted anonymous commenting on "breadandhutter"