Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hanging out

Also this week, I got to spend time with Kayanne, the student leader for the small group I will be co-leading with Tate. We met at a local Starbucks, which was funny in that there was another Starbucks right across the street from where we met. I might have accidentally gone to that one first...

The point is, we laughed and laughed so much that my stomach was hurting. I think it's because we're the kind of people who don't care as much about what people think of us, so we ended up sharing some pretty embarrassing stories. I also realized we have a shared interest in the arts, and talked for a bit about favorite books. I plan on sharing some Bradley Hathaway with her, since she's also into poetry.

On Friday, Tate and I also got together to share a little bit about our lives, and I realized we were both involved in Campus Crusade for Christ. Afterward, we went to Ralston Valley High School to hang out with the students who were getting done with their first week. I got to meet Jordan's best friends, as well as see a lot of the girls I hadn't seen since Glendo!

I can not wait for this next, very busy week, where I will hopefully be seeing a lot of these gals more consistently!

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