Thursday, March 25, 2010

Top Five

I still love High Fidelity. So yet another tribute, top 5 moments of the day (that is, Thursday):

1. Zechariah chapter 3. word.
2. lunch with the Harts.
3. proceeding tea break with Kendra.
4. orange chicken + john cusack + great conversation.
5. reading about the Epiphany feast--why haven't I celebrated this yet??

And as an aside, only Liz will appreciate this, but Drake Bell plays younger Rob in H.F.! I couldn't figure it out till I saw the credits. And now he plays in a Nickelodian show and plays guitar with Hawk Nelson for a song. Oh and some background actor named Jack Black is kind of a big deal these days too. psh.


marty attempting to blog said...

so would you say you had an epiphany?

Unknown said...

an epiphany about the epiphany.

insert rim shot here.