Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jesus calmed the storm

Read the story by clicking here.

I had another wonderful chat with Yolanda. She's leading a Bible study class each Wednesday that is reading through the book of Mark. Hence our discussion on the parable of the sower not too long ago.

So Jesus calmed a storm. I immediately go to a reading I had in Jesus-centered Youth Ministry back when I worked in Virginia. There was a section about a man reading this story with some indigenous people who had never even heard of Jesus before. As soon as he finished reading the story, he said, "So.. what are some storms in your life that you would like Jesus to calm?"

But the people just looked at him, jaw-dropped. "Wait a minute!" they said. "Your telling me this man just controlled nature?!"

Yolanda told me that it was understood at the time of the storm that only God could control natural events. All acts of the Old Testament (parting of the Red Sea, or the rain that came after a long period of drought in 1 Kings, etc. etc.) were clearly associated with the work of God.

So here was Jesus, a man, and he calmed a storm. Just by thinking logically (don't we love logic, Sharon?), we can figure that the disciples of Jesus were getting a hint. He really was/is the God he claimed/claims to be!! No wonder they were terrified--perhaps even more terrified than if the furious squall had continued!

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