John came to visit two weeks ago. It means so much to me for people to see where I live and what I do. John and I got to jump right in on that too, as High Point that night was a game of Incognito. All the leaders dressed up in disguises and went around the mall while the students, in teams, looked for us. We dressed up as nerds--very appropriate for Nerdwest, ahem, Northwestern. As you can see, I was a creepy/computer/works-at-the-movie-theater-with-drake-and-josh-kind-of-nerd.
Thankfully, John came in on Wednesday, because it snowed like crazy on Thursday! We were stuck at home, but that did not stop the fun. We played Sorry, watched
Prince Caspian, played Boggle, ate with the Banichs.. a lot of our simple, yet favorite, forms of entertainment. yay!
Then Friday I gave him the tour of the church. We had lunch, went to the library, and then came home with a splendid idea:
Meet Belteshazzar. His eyes and his buttons are made from golf balls we found from the garage. And to keep the theme up, we went used golf clubs for they arms. But of course, no snowman is complete without a carrot for a nose!!
We finished just in time to leave and catch the 3-D version of
Monsters v. Aliens. Very cool in 3-D. And we had just enough time afterward to play soccer with the youth staff!
Saturday!!! Off to a beautiful place about which I had only heard rumors--Red Rocks!
We walked, we talked, we took pictures :) We enjoyed some great Colorado-style pizza at BeauJos beforehand, and s'more reading at Barnes & Noble after.
Finally for Sunday we went to church! It was the beginning of a two-week series that ended yesterday actually, called "What are you wearing?" We asked students to identify who they were; to be real with themselves. The next week we could realize that Jesus' blood covers that. That even the good things--He makes them better by giving us the true motivations behind them. That the bad things can be covered, repented of, and changed. That ultimately, we are transformed by Christ's death. Something very important to remember going into Holy Week.
"That the bad things that... " ????? So much suspense, it's crazy! haha
This was a wonderful post, and I love the use of the stolen picture(s?); that was quite clever of you. Great pics in general.
all better. and only one stolen picture. the one of belteshazzar i took, scout's honor.
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