Monday, March 23, 2009

Estes Park

My parents visited me this past week!! This is them at the lake in Estes Park. The goofy helmets are there not because the lake is dangerous, but because we decided to bike ride for a bit and they were mandatory. Which is cool. I liked how neither my mom or myself could make it up the hill near the end of the trail. And then there would come my dad, slow and steady, making it to the top. Jealous.

The elk were taking over the town on that day. There was even a moment where they started walking toward me while I was taking their picture (they were maybe 5-7ft away). My dad laughed at my face because, well, I know, that I was probably showing utter terror. Hey, those things are big. They could eat me! Or at least small children..

We also got to watch a guy make a vase, and then decided to grab dinner. Didn't know that elk could be that tasty. We eventually headed back to Arvada, though we took the long way, down 34. Let me just say it took my breath away, and is definitely worth a drive during the late afternoon.

1 comment:

Josh Crain said...

I gotta say: both of them look incredibly uncomfortable in those helmets.

Hope you're doing well, kiddo. I'm so glad you're blogging because I feel like I can at least get little glimpses into your life!