Thursday, November 20, 2008

By the numbers

To be perfectly honest, I was worried about how this month's High Point would go. Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled that our students would get to be engaged in serving our community in various ways. I was just wondering where our new people would go.

You see, we've been growing this semester. Students were bringing friends, and our average was steadily increasing. Not that I'm a fan of keeping tally--what I'm most excited about is that the students feel comfortable enough to bring new people.

Service projects mix that up a bit. The options included making meals/cookies for families in the church, praying for the schools/praying at a hospital, hanging out with a group of special needs adults, hanging out with kids whose parents are working to get back on their feet financially, and making/serving meals to Denver's homeless. New students aren't exactly comfortable with joining things like this. Which I can understand.

However, taking the attendance for last night, we were only about a dozen short of the number we had grown to by the end of October. And I had also given the students sheets to write their thoughts from the three weeks, and there was so much positive response! I know that some are eager to get back to the "normal" swing of things, yet at the same time, I know that this time was not wasted!

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