Sunday, December 7, 2008

Without direction

Can you believe December is here? I'm usually on top of Christmas shopping, but seeing how I don't have any money, well..

But I should talk about Thanksgiving. I should mention that I got my first speeding ticket, and since God always has a purpose for everything, I was able to use it as an opening story for Bible study this morning! I should mention that having Bobblehead Jesus in the car makes for even funnier pictures.

I never grow tired of Boggle. Or Tetris.

I loved spending time with mom, dad and Mark, and watching WallE as well as the latest Bond movie (but everyone was right in saying it wasn't that great of a movie) with Kendra and John.

Oh, how I enjoyed eating pie, putting a few puzzle pieces together, listening to John play the piano, getting tackled by the cousins, and drinking true, from the tap (haha), sweet tea! It's crazy to think that I'll be back in Texas in just a couple of weeks, or even that it will be 2009 so soon!

And on a completely different note, I'm having way too much fun reading old journals (especially the ones from Mrs. McClaskey's class), as well as notebooks with notes between high school friends (Milena, Amanda and Ariel H).

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