I just finished watching Lars and the Real Girl with my mom this morning. I warn you now that the movie is quite strange. However, in the end, it is one of the most beautiful examples about community that I have ever witnessed. For those of you who don't know, as I imagine many have not seen the film, it is about a hermit character (Lars, played by Ryan Gosling) who has a delusion about life size doll (Bianca) being his girlfriend.
And yet, instead of shacking him up in a mental institution, as might have been the easiest option, the entire town finds creative ways to make life comfortable for Lars. One woman gives Bianca a mannequin job three times a week; another woman gives her a haircut; they find opportunities for her to "volunteer" at the hospital. Instead of laughing and poking fun (which honestly, might have been my reaction), they embrace him in his struggle to cope with a bad memory from his past. The doctor too, is brilliant in her way of patiently communicating with Lars and Bianca.
I began to think about what Jesus said. I guess it has something to do with what the church should look like--a group of loving believers embracing outsiders and loving them wherever they are. And to clarify, evidenced by the ending of the film of which I don't want to give away, embracing a person where they are is not a case of mere tolerance. The hope is that showing unconditional love to someone struggling in sin, will lead to repentance.
Twas a cute, funny, and thought-provoking movie.
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