Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A little more conversation

This week has been filled with great discussion with students!

It started off with an hour and a half of me sharing about Russia with Lexie. It was wonderful to tell that story with another who loves culture so much. I mean, she is traveling throughout the Middle East this summer!

Last night, I ended up hanging out with Chelsea for about four hours! We shared dinner, played some Wii Boxing and Tennis, as well as played Wii American Idol (that was hilarious). We got into some good conversation in between all of this, and I even got to ask her about what she thinks about church. I loved her honesty, and I loved talking for 2 1/2 straight hours!

This morning, I met with Janelle and Susie for another talk about Russia. I'm glad that I've finished a scrapbook about it (it helps that I had journaled everything, and included knick knacks within the journal--a quicker version of a scrapbook), to use as a visual while I talk. We also prayed for each other before I had to drop them off back home so they could go to school.

Then this afternoon, I got to hang out with Lauren. I have a feeling that if she didn't have to be back at a certain time, we would have talked much longer. We talked about the world--how to make things better. And you must understand that she has an amazing heart for Africa, as well as a father who challenges her to think more critically about the easy answers. It was great to listen to her, and honestly a bit surprising.

I thank God for letting me be involved in the students lives, even in simple ways such as talking.

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