Sunday, February 8, 2009

Prayer Retreat

A group of six high school gals and I went to downtown Denver this weekend to pray. We spent the night at Central Presbyterian Church, a beautiful church that was built in 1908.

Most of the night was spent telling our life stories, and then praying for the needs of each other that came out during those stories. It was cool to see each student pray for one another, and that we never had to force it. We had a moment too, where we texted some friends asking how we could pray for them. I wrote the responses on a whiteboard; there were about 20. The seven of us then had a concert of prayer for all of those folks that lasted quite awhile. The sound was majestic.

I also learned a lot about what a prayer retreat could like in the future. I was glad to start small, and to be in a location other than the home church. I'm hoping to continue doing this sort of thing, and with a few more options for how we can pray. What works for you?

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