All of this gave me thirty minutes to get ready to leave with Jordan for Revolve. We wondered if we'd even get tickets, and strangely enough, we got some of the best seats in the house!! Two of the bands whose singers came off the stage ended up walking/dancing right next to us! Very surreal--especially if one of those bands was Hawk Nelson. haha. But maybe I shouldn't mention the fact that during one of their songs he forgot the words at the beginning, and then couldn't catch up. He would sing two lines and start laughing again at his mistake. Weird.
I also had a chance to meet one of the singers from the group Out of Eden. She's a sweet gal, and has a cool story.
Chad Eastham was the (only) male speaker, and he spent time talking about how girls who are comfortable with who they are are much more attractive to guys. Sure, they get distracted by the beach blond, or the short skirts.. but who doesn't really? He was very funny, and very good.
Then there was Jenna Lucado, the daughter of that one writer ;). She looked a lot like Hilary Swank. Again, another good speaker. I just found it interesting that the testimonies of all those I've mentioned resonate so closely with one another. I guess I would just find it cool to hear from a speaker who didn't dabble in things like alcoholism, eating disorders, sex, etc. Then again, maybe students need to hear these harder things. I dunno.
And I thought I would include the picture showing Hawk's lead singer walking toward us--Jordan cried!! hehe