Monday, October 27, 2008

A Night at the Oscars

Last week for High Point we showcased the students "scary" movies that they had been working on for the last couple of weeks. The eleventh graders pulled together a bunch of the kids' ministry puppets and made a Twilight zone episode where each of the puppets slowly disappear while at fall retreat. Stefan did such a fantastic job of putting it together.

Our small group made one where we were hanging out at church, talking about going to fall retreat. The only gal, Susie, who wasn't planning to go did not disappear (yes, disappearing is the less gory way for a scary movie to work). But if she wanted to see her friends again, then she better go to FR.

The final video (although we had pleasant commercial breaks in between, as well as the Stookes being the hosts) was the twelfth grade guy's. Hilarious. They spoofed the Hey Ben video, as well as had Matt Shelander mimick the Joker. He was right on!

Hopefully, I will be getting these videos online, so you can enjoy them too.

Oh, and how could I forget the winners?
Best Actor: Barry Gager
Best Actress: Susie Oury
Best Scream: Kelsey Crawford
Cheesiest Line: Bethany Gager
Scariest Moment: Kayanne disappearing
Funniest Moment: Eric Pellish's pants (um.. I choose not to explain)
Best Picture: 12th grade guys

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